Snap is a short film about a guy who steals a variety of different peoples cameras and lets them chase him so he can take some good photos, he also has help from other people that try and make the photo look even better. In the end we find out he never actually wanted to steal the camera he just wanted some good phtots for his gallery and you see him friends with the people he pretended to steal from at the end of the short film, so in the end it is a happy ending and a jolly film.

The structure of the story follows Todorovs rule of equalibrium dis-equalibrium and new equalibrium to perfection as the begining we see an unknown guy having a drink in a cafe, he then leaves walking towards a family who are taking photos of each other he tricks the family into thinking he wants to take a photo of them and runs off with the camera and the father of the family chases him.

This beginning sequence tricks us into thinking this will be some sort of thriller as he runs off with a non-diegetic chase soundtrack playing in the background. after a bit of running he goes behind a wall and appears again with different clothes on and a different person chasing him.
This is when the middle of the narrative really starts to make sense we then see it fluxtuate to another character and the same thinng is happening and random people are doing weird things to the people running after who we beleive is either the protagonsit or antagonsit.
At this point we still dont know whether this guy is good or bad? We still beleive he is a thief but perhaps for a good reason seeing that a majority of people are helping him.
We then get to the end of the narrative the original character in the white shirt has cornered the thief and we think a fight will possibly happen but then it cuts to the pictures he took in
a kind of gallery, it then becomes clear that this was the 'thiefs' intention the whole time to get some good photos of the chase and the reason why people helped him out.
It then cuts to a longshot where we see the people who chased the man taking photos and smiling with him in the gallery which must mean he gave the camera back and infact he is the protagonist not the antagonsit.
This is an example of linear narrative as the story has a clear begining, clear middle and a clear end.
The audience for snap seems to be young adults and teenagers, the main character who steals the cameras looks like he is in his early 20's which would be a good technique to draw that target audienec in, it is also a light hearted and at times funny which could be seen as childish making it appeal to teenagers but also hasa relativey serious message which stops the audience from being particualry young.

I beleive snap has a hidden agenda yeah it is a light hearted short film but at the same time its telling us two things the first is 'dont judge a book by its cover'; at first we all thought this was a thief trying to steal a camera but it turned out being a normal guy thinking outsdie the box trying to get some pictures for his art gallery.
This follows up nicely to my second point. Snap is directed to young people (its target audience), which means its trying to give a possible message to younger people who are starting work etc, I beleive the message is to think outside the box and if you want to make it in life its to do things that make you rememebred, things that will get you the best results. The protagonsit may of been at risk in getting beaten up or in trouble with the police but he risked it and it turned out to benefit him he got some quality photos and his own gallery at a young age which prooves that if you do whatever it takes you can make it.


Snap is a perculiar film with aspects of a mild thriller and a mild comedy it isnt intense and it isnt very funny but it does contain aspects of them. At the begining you see three consecutive shots of an unknown foreign man at a cafe spying on this american family, its all very sinister as it begins to look like the begining of a stereotypical thriller film. Its not until the chase begins and the incidents with other people throwing water or getting in the way when we start to see the attempted comedy side of the sotry, there is also a close up at the end when the protagonsit is cornered and he says 'I've ran out of film' and it just confirms this was all a bit of a joke in the end. The lighting for snap is also very colourful and bright indeed it is a sunny day and that firthermore confirms this is abroad but it also is an aspect of a jolly film as a proper thriller would usually contain a darker hint. It then has a jolly happy ending which is a strong aspect of a comedy which furthermore confirms indeed Snap went from a potential thriller to a comedy in the matter of minuiutes.
Oscar - you appear to have only completed 1 of the 5 minimum due by the deadline on Friday. You need to complete the remaining work by Monday. Please speak to me to explain what happened.
ReplyDeleteStill only 2 here? As a group, only Jacob has done the expected amount of research. You all need to do this to fully understand the short film form, and to get your own marks of course.