The Pig Child is a short film about a scientist who performs illegal surgery on herself. I chose not to watch this movie as I wanted to judge the poster with no knowledge whatsoever, so without further a do lets dive into it.
The first thing we see is what looks like a green silhouette of a pregnant women. Linked with the title 'the pig child' this indicates that perhaps this is about the birth of the child instead of just about a child we need to bare in mind this is only a short film, because this is a short film there is no bold writing of actor names or out of place pictures just to increase publicity its a simple picture with a title but just because its simple doesn't mean it doesn't tell us a lot. When a poster is bland the little things like colour, text size and format can be very important.
The human mind is amazing and colour can trigger emotions making colour in my opinion one of the most important aspects of identifying the genre of a film, this is why the background is grey and dull, it creates a visual aspect of mystery, sadness and sometimes isolation. In media each colour can mean a different thing and this is my interpretation of the colour grey.
Moving onto the text size and its format. The short films simplicity with white bold font, spaced out letters and all capitals are very common of thriller films with the title for the major movie with Ben Aflek 'Gone Girl' looking almost identical some may link them two together and that could always spark an interest.
The last thing I'd like to bring up is the picture inside the the pregnant women. Its clear as day now its been mentioned but its also very easily ignored. I believe the image to be of an embryo being spliced with two separate DNA components and linking with the title one half of the DNA could be human and one of a pigs, either way I think this is a simple but effective poster showing that not all posters need to be full of detail, to have great detail, I for one will defiantly check out this film.
Emotional Fusebox is about a women named Anna who despite what her mother says wont leave the shed in the garden where she lives and makes videos with he thumbs (IMDB synopsis.)
This poster looks bold and happy so lets jump into it.
The first thing you notice has to be the giant writing of the title, its white on light blue and very hard to miss. The light blue can be associated with comedy, joy but also sometimes freedom (I personally think this one if we link back to the synopsis) as blue contrasts with the vast sky and sea but going back to the title its so big its controlling and almost silly, it takes up the whole poster. I think it wants to be silly, instantly without looking at anything else I don't think this film wants anyone taking it seriously at all. On the flip side it could be seen as controlling but I'll talk about that later for now lets move onto the image. Here we see a women in underwear, coat, bright blue socks, bright blue trainers whilst holding a steaming mug. Without looking at the quotes surrounding each object we can tell that this is an unsusal women just by the fact she has no trousers on, its making us laugh and smile.
Before we indulge on the core of this poster lets talk about publicity. This short story has clearly won two awards they are reasonably big and located at the bottom of the poster this is an example of publicity to increase sales as people will tend to trust the quality of a film if its one awards.
Now lets talk about the core of this poster where we start to see what the true nature of this film will be before we watch it, look at the words surrounding her, "fear of dying alone, existential crisis, fashion malfunction, in explicable anger, bad hair." Three of the five sentences doesn't even involve physical appearance but more a mental perspective.
You may of laughed before as you expect this to be a typical tragic comedy but with the colour meaning freedom and the big title in my opinion being controlling its about a women who feels controlled by society and wants to break free, I still think there will be comedic aspects but overall will have a more spiritual meaning about not caring how you look breaking out of these social norms society has placed upon you. The facial expression on the women seems emotionless which is another reason why I think there is more to this film than comedy but thats just a theory.
Overall its a compelling poster with decent features for specific effects, its eye catching and spiritual with aspects of comedy, I would defiantly check it out.
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