Friday, 14 October 2016

Health and Safety

Health and Safety 

While producing our short film it is importanrt we consider the possible safety risks that we may face. This blog post will be highlighting how we can avoid them. Although the shooting of our shortfilm will be in two seperate locations; my (Erol's) house and Bolnore village we still need to consider the risks. However having a small number of shooting locations helps to recude this risk. 

Safety hazzard number one; traffic

Image result for traffic

We are filming in a quiet village which helps to reduce the risk of getting hit by any traffic however we will make sure that we are fully aware of the traffic that we may face. Something which may be important to consider is we are going to be filming at night so perhaps it would be safe if we were to obtain some hi-vis jackets. Hi-vis jackets would allow drivers to see us filming while filming and help to prevent getting hit.

Safety hazzard number two; wires 

We are going to prepair my house before hand to make sure that there are no loose wires anywhere for us to trip on or even get electricuted. My mum has given us permission to move anything where we need to in order to make our project run smoothly.

Safety hazzard number three; heights 

We want our shortfilm to be as successful as it can be, in order to make this happen we agreed a variety of different angles will help us to achieve something which looks professional. This means getting up on a stool to get those effective high angles. This still may be a risk due to the height but we will make sure that the stool is stable and safe to use, this will help to prevent us from falling off.Image result for unstable table


  1. Ok - could you also post some images of the actual location (the village area you will film in?)

  2. okay Marion, thanks for the advice. Will it be possible to go now?
